June 15, 2012


yupyup! i am underweight, i can't donate blood because my weight is below 45 and it is 40kg for now, before this my weight is 38kg. i'll increase my weight to get the ideal weight.chayok2!!
normally a girl are sensitive to talk about their weight,but i really want to share this thing.huhu... :)

this Q and A is might be benefit for those who are care about their self for being thin :

Q :  i am extremely and skinny i am very conscious about my appearance. because of this i would like to put on some weight. what are the best foods to eat - sweet and starchy things or proteins?

A : try to slow down, take regular relaxed meals and eat more vegetables and protein. if you can take exercise to build up muscle bulk, which will increase your weight. don't eat to many sweet things - these are bad for your teeth and your skin.
as long as you are healthy, being thin may well be a good thing since statistics show that lean people live longer than fat people and are less prone to certain condition such as heart disease and high blood pressure

i read a lot of book.huu

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